You could see from the moment that he stepped into the room that Jose Mourinho means business.
He was open, honest and forthright in his opinions, as ever. But that playfulness is back. The dark clouds have dispersed and Jose looks as if he is relishing the job of being Manchester United manager rather than using the position as a way of avenging any perceived enemies.
Indeed, Martin Samuel of The Daily Mail, asked him if he felt he was like a big player who had something to prove.
The new Manchester United manager responded:
‘You know there are some managers who last time they won a title was ten years ago. Some of them the last time they won a title was never. The last time I won a title was one year ago….
So if I have a lot to prove imagine the others.’
Fair point we think. It’s a results business and Jose is the best.
Asked what advice Sir Alex has given him on joining the club Mourinho said:
‘Bring an umbrella!’
Asked about his objectives at the club he said:
‘Fourth is not the aim.’
And, perhaps the best comment of the lot was when he talked about his time out of the game, before he joined Manchester United:
‘The first month was fine, the second month was not so good and after the second month was a disaster.’
Finally he was asked to speak about Wayne Rooney and whether he will play him in attack or midfield:
‘Maybe he’s not a number 9 anymore. But with me he will be never a number 6. He will be never somebody playing 50 metres away form the goal.
So for me he will be a 9 he will be a 10 he will be a 9.5 but not a 6. Not even an 8.’
And with that he was gone. Jose was in great form and looks as if he is desperate for his next crack at the title – this time with Manchester United who he described as the biggest club in the UK.